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Sure, you care about college. But right now you’re busy with school and tests and homework and activities and projects and community service hours and maybe even a job.
And then there’s your social life. Remember that?
Wouldn’t it be nice if someone really helped you with the college process? Someone who will talk to you about what you want, and then discover possibilities for you and help you achieve them?
That’s Katie Jane. As an international coach for the college-bound student, she’s the person to help you.
On your own, do you really want to …
visit 999 college websites (and still miss the best ones for you)?
see what international universities might meet your requirements?
try to figure out college applications?
figure out what resume-builders deserve your attention?
keep track of application deadlines?
write your essays with no input or feedback?
guess at what colleges want in an applicant?
guess at what colleges want in an application?
miss scholarship opportunities?
miss foreign travel opportunities?
The better idea: talk to Katie!
Katie takes a minimum of your time … and she gets to work on your behalf. You deserve your own personal coach to help you through what’s probably been the biggest job of your life.
“I talk to students, really talk, and find out not only where they
are in their lives but also where they’re going. Sometimes they have
specific dreams. Sometimes they know they still need to discover a career path, and that’s okay. But every student needs a college that will help them reach their potential.”
~ Katie Jane